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Autumn & Neo Puppies

Born 29/09/24 - Puppy viewing 16/11/24 - Collection 24/11/24 (11-12pm)

Puppy Pick -  if you cannot make it in person we can arrange a video call, although we do prefer to meet people in person.


Puppy Camera Link

We hope you enjoy watching our puppies grow, they change every day.

The camera will sometimes be turned off for cleaning and when we are socialising the puppies or they are playing in the garden. Please just check back later it is normally back on by the evening.

Check List

Please find below link to a shopping list you may find useful.

Please visit our puppy family access area on our website for our Puppy guide and other helpful information

  1. Register with a vet - please ensure you choose a vet with a compatible vaccine to Nobivac and one that provides Lepto 2 (if you choose to give Lepto) Puppy will have had it's first DHP Nobivac vaccine (unless you have requested us not to) This is the core vaccine.  No Lepto vaccine would have been given by us (This is not part of the core vaccine but a completely separate one like Kennel cough) . You will receive a copy of the vaccination card when you collect your puppy which will give you the date of their first vaccine, this would have been given before they were 8 weeks old.  2nd vaccine can only be administered after they are 10 weeks old. Book puppy in for their vet check. 

  2. If you wish to pay the balance by bank transfer please arrange to do this before 25/10/2024.

  3. Order raw food from Natural Instinct (once the certificate has been given to you). Certificate for Natural Instinct will be issued on or before puppy pick day.  They are very quick with their delivery and it's normally within 2-3 days.

  4. Set up your crate. Ideally by your bed 

  5. Make sure you remove a pack of raw food the night before puppy arrives home. Please watch the food video in the private puppy access area on my website, this will help you and answer some of your questions. 

  6. In your puppy pack you will receive a sample of Gentle and instructions on how to purchase a pack at a reduced rate.  This is enough for a good week especially if you are transitioning from raw.  PLEASE WAIT AND PURCHASE ONCE YOUR PUP IS HOME USING THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE PACK AND TRANSITION SLOWLY JUST LIKE YOU WOULD INTRODUCING ANY NEW FOOD.

  7. Puppy can have their 2nd vaccine after they are 10 weeks old and not before, please do not worm puppies on the same day as their vaccine as this can overwhelm them.

  8. Puppies will continue to need to be wormed at 8 & 12 weeks and then monthly until they are 6 months old, you can purchase Drontal or Panacur online.

  9. We recommend Advocate or Prinovox for flea's as this also covers lungworm and they are more likely when young to lick a snail.  Once they are 6 months old they can move to a Seresto collar which covers for fleas and ticks.




Clover - L Green


Clover - L Green


Clover - L Green


Maple - Orange


Maple - Orange


Maple - Orange


Tulip - L Pink


Tulip - L Pink


Tulip - L Pink


Meadow - Yellow


Meadow - Yellow

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Meadow - Yellow

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Hunter - Blue

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Hunter - Blue

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Hunter - Blue

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Ranger - Black

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Ranger - Black

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Ranger - Black

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River - Green

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River - Green

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River - Green

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Puppy Pick Saturday 16th November

We will confirm our address the week of puppy viewings for reference we live just outside Camberley, Surrey.

10.30am - Young family / Pengelly family
11.30am - Winskill family
12.30pm - Scroggs family
1.30pm - Quilter family / Medhurst family

Please bring with you an item of clothing or soft toy with the scent of the main carer or a combination of family members that you are happy to not receive back.
We will introduce these scents to the litter the week before going home, this will introduce the puppies to extra scents which is a great learning experience and hopefully ease the transition.  Your home smells different and by introducing new scents to the puppies it will help form a positive experience. 

Puppy selection procedure

Dear all,

We are looking forward to meeting you for puppy selection, to keep our puppies safe and for the day to run as smoothly as possible we do have some procedures that need to be followed.

Please be punctual and keep to the timings, puppy selection is done in list order so we cannot extend your puppy viewing time, if you are late then unfortunately this will mean you will have less time choosing.  Each appointment will be 1 hour. To reduce the time, we normally have puppy selections for boys and girls running concurrently.  They are very young puppies, so we try to allow them time to rest in between viewings as much as possible, so the next family choosing gets to see the puppies at their best.

As a precaution we limit the puppy selection visit to immediate family and/or 5 people.  This is due to the space available.  We can also offer facetime selections if this is what you would prefer.  Please let me know so I can book this in, this will still need to be done in reserve list order. 

When you arrive, we will provide shoe covers for you and take you to our purpose built outside garden room.  Please use the hand sanitiser provided. Please remove your outside jackets / coats before picking up the puppies.  In good weather we will use the outside puppy pen. The puppy pen will be accessible for you to pick up and play with the puppies.  Only adults are allowed to pick up any puppies, children must be seated if they wish to go inside the puppy pen and not walk around as we do not want the risk of stepping on a puppy.


I will be there to answer your questions and provide help and advice.  I will give you your raw food certificate to order your raw food, please create an account online with Natural Instinct before you call them to redeem the certificate.


Puppy collections will be done from our Garage, puppy collections are normally done between 10am to 11am on the morning of your collection.  This allows me enough time to feed the puppy their breakfast, for them to toilet and for you to arrive home before their lunch is due.  

Best wishes




Some common FAQ's

We understand that this is the first time you have met me and whilst I have an excellent reputation, have been breeding a very long time and have plenty of history that can be re-searched easily there are some common questions that must be on a list somewhere as families tend to ask the same questions, so here are the answers to those common questions. For questions regarding care of the puppy please read the puppy guide available in the puppy access area. 

How long have you been breeding?

I have been breeding over ten years.

How many adult dogs do you have in your home?

I have 3 adult dogs that live with me on a permanent basis.

How many litters do you breed?

I breed between 4 and 8 litters a year, I am a professional breeder and this is my only business and even though I am licensed for 10 litters, I currently choose to not breed all year round?  

How many dogs do you own?

This is a difficult question as I may have young dogs that have not been health tested yet, retired dogs that have not been spayed yet and of course my own dogs and puppies that I have here.  However, all my current active breeding dogs are on my website.

How Many litters has mum had?

The UK legal limit is 6, which is far too many and in our option unethical.  All our girls have 1-3 litters, our 5 star licence means that we adhere to higher welfare standards, the maximum limit we can have is 4 litters per female to meet the criteria.

Can I see the stud dog?

No, our stud dogs or the stud dog used will not be here at puppy viewings.

What is your socialisation programme?

We start socialising the puppies from birth, they are handled daily, stroked and weighed.  From 3 weeks old when their eyes are open and they are up on their feet we start playing them various sounds and this volume is increased until they leave at 8 weeks old.  They have their paws stroked, their nails clipped, they get used to the hoover, washing machine, tv.  They meet a variety of people and go out in the car and the dog pushchair. They are introduced to toys and natural chews like rabbit ears.  They are introduced to different textures to walk on and different height obstacles.  We are experienced breeders and take our job seriously.

Can I collect my puppy later?

The short answer is no, we do not believe it is in the best interest of our puppies to have two first nights, one where all their siblings have left and one with you.  You will have 7 weeks notice of their going home date and we believe this is plenty of time for you to make the necessary arrangements to collect your puppy on time.

Temperament Testing

We completed temperament testing today over the last few days. The boys were very consistent so it was difficult to differentiate between them but we did :).   The girls were all fab and did show me some differences that I could note.  Anyway I hope you enjoy reading.

All puppies are suitable for an average family home and some would thrive in a more playful envionment.  All are suitable to be with other dogs and some I believe with cats.

3's = The most confident puppies / playful / Interactive and suitable for a busy family with children
4's = The middle of the road puppy.  playful and interactive, suitable for all families. 
5's = The quieter puppy, not suitable for a family with young children.

Despite our efforts there is no such thing as a perfect puppy nor the matching of puppies to owners.  Because of the timing of canine brain development, you have the ability to change the development of your dogs brain for the first year of its life, with the most influence taking place prior to sixteen weeks of age.  Up until now, the puppies developmental experiences have been focussed on the litter as a whole, now it is time for you to continue to develop your puppy into the dog you wish them to be.  I have indicated below what I think is their natural traits and hopefully you can use this information to help you with their ongoing training.

People focussed puppies - Should be taught polite greeting behaviours from the outset while less assertive puppies might be allowed more liberties until they become more comfortable with strangers.  A People focussed puppy may need to greet every person it sees, to handle this trait owners must start early on teaching the puppy when it must concentrate on them, rather than the people around them.

Overly assertive puppies must be taught polite canine greetings or should spend time with puppy savvy adult dogs that will correct rudeness.

An environment focussed puppy
benefits from seeing new places and become accustomed before it is able to focus on its owner or activity.  These puppies should arrive at their puppy class ahead of time so it can become acclimated prior to the start of class.

Ball / Tug or Food focussed - The puppy’s desires for food, playing and retrieving help owners determine how to reward their pup, since the higher desires are naturally more reinforcing for a puppy.


Hello I am Clover,   I am environment focussed and love a cuddle, I have a slightly lower energy and lower play drive so potentially would be good with cats. I could be a potential therapy dog but I would require ongoing socialisation to ensure that I meet all different types of people for this to progress.  I scored middle of the road for greeting and following and preferred the Tug toy and I was not at all sound sensitive.

  • Weight: 2.14kg

  • Colour: Red

  • Good for all families

  • Environment focussed

  • Greeted well.

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Tug focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but lost interest

  • Sound Sensitivity - Low

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate.

  • Low to moderate energy

​Summary - (4) Well adjusted puppy that is loving and would suit families but would prefer older children.


Hello I am Maple, I am a friendly confident playful puppy.  I am more people focussed and along with my sister Meadow we were very confident in greeting and following.  I have a forgiving nature and liked both the tug toy and the ball.   I scored middle of the road for sound sensivity and would suit families with young children as I am playful. I do not stop wagging my tail.

  • Weight: 2.2kg

  • Colour: Red

  • Good for all families especially with children

  • People focussed

  • Greeted quickly and assertively - Will follow tail up

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Tug or ball focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without

  • Sound Sensitivity - medium

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate with confidence.

  • Moderate energy

  • ​Summary - (3) confident puppy that is friendly and playful and would suit all families but would thrive with a family with children.


Hello I am Tulip, I am a friendly confident puppy that would love playing with children.  I am people focussed and was confident in greeting and following.  I have a forgiving nature and preferred the Ball but only slightly.  I was mid range energy level and would suit all families especially those with children.

  • Weight: 2.07kg

  • Colour: Red

  • Good for all families 

  • People focussed

  • Greeted well 

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Ball focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without

  • Sound Sensitivity - low

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate confidently.

  • Moderate energy

​​Summary - (3) confident puppy that is friendly and playful and would suit all families.


Hello I am Meadow, I have a natural sweet disposition and love both a cuddle and a play. I am a friendly confident puppy.  I am people 

focussed and was confident in greeting and following.  I have a forgiving nature and preferred the tug toy.  I was low to mid range energy level. 

  • Weight: 2.19kg

  • Colour: Golden Apricot

  • Good for all families 

  • People focussed

  • Greeted quietly but confidently - Will follow tail up

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Tug focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without.

  • Sound Sensitivity - medium

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate with confidence.

  • Low to mid energy

  • Summary - (4) Well adjusted puppy that is loving and would all suit families.

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Hello I am Hunter I am a friendly confident, playful puppy.  I am people focussed. I enjoy both cuddles and fun in equal measure. I preferred the ball and would suit all families and would enjoy playing with young children.

  • Weight: 2.36kg

  • Colour: Red

  • Good for all families 

  • People focussed

  • Greeted confidently - Will follow tail up

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Ball focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without

  • Sound Sensitivity - Moderate

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate.

  • Moderate energy

​Summary - (4) Well adjusted puppy that is loving and would all suit families.

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Hello I am Ranger I am a calm, happy, friendly puppy, I'm environment focussed and have a lower energy level.  I think I have the potential to be a good therapy puppy, I am playful but my confidence, calmness indicates that I have the potential to be a therapy puppy with ongoing training. He quite often watches me quietly which I think is endearing but also demands attention and play and complains the most when I select another puppy.

  • Weight: 2.47kg

  • Colour: Red

  • Good for all families 

  • Environment focussed

  • Greeted after assessing his environment

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Tug focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without

  • Sound Sensitivity - Low

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate

  • Low energy

​Summary - (4) Well adjusted puppy that is loving and would all suit families.

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Hello I am River, I am the calm puppy in the boys, I scored to be a  middle of the road puppy.  I am environment focussed and takes a while to greet as I like to assess you first.  I am a playful puppy that is a bit calmer and loving. So even though I would enjoy children I would be just as happy without.  I have a forgiving nature and preferred the tug toy.  I really like other dogs.

  • Weight: 2.55kg

  • Colour: Golden Apricot

  • Good for all families 

  • Environment focussed

  • Greeted quietly and followed.

  • Social Dominance - Forgiving nature

  • Tug focussed

  • Retrieving - Chased but returned without

  • Sound Sensitivity - mid

  • Stability - Curious and attempts to investigate confidently.

  • Low energy

​​Summary - (4) Well adjusted puppy that is loving and would all suit families.

It is important to note that temperament testing is a snap shot of their temperaments at the time of the test.  Whilst we do know our puppies they are so very young and correct socialisation and ongoing training is so very important to ensure your Ripley's puppy continues to thrive in their environment.  Training and a loving environment and continued exposure to as many new experiences before they are 16 weeks old will contribute significantly to their happiness and ongoing temperament.​​

Life is better with a Ripley's Australian Labradoodle!

Surrey breeder of Australian Labradoodles

5 Star Council Breeding Licence number ANBREE/3797/24

Tax & DBS Certified

Telephone: 07789 063008

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